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After courting Margie Madewell for 3 years, we got married. As of today we have one son, (Bill, Jr.) and 4 daughters; Kim, Kris, Sonya, and Jacquelene (aka Renee). Below are photos of our children.

Bill Madewell, Jr.    
Kimberly C. Madewell    
Kristine I. Madewell    
Sonya L. Madewell    
Jacquelene R. Madewell    

  Design by: Gabriel Web Designs Copyright © BillMadewell.com. All Rights Reserved.

"No portion of this website may be copied or reproduced in any way. This includes text information and images. Bill Madewell and The Madewell family
(and the respectful owners of specific content and images) holds all copyrights to the photos and information displayed on the pages within this site.