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Well Well, Where should I start? I guess we'll start with where I was born. I was born in a coal camp in Wilder
Tennessee on Saturday, April  4, 1936.   I was the 9th one to be born in my family. Their was 7 girls born first and then 5 boys; Bob is my older brother. There was 14 total in my family. My Dad was named Obadiha Madewell
(but went by the name "Tobe") and my Mom was Stella Mae Norris.

We lived in Wilder till I was about 5 yrs old then we moved to Grimsley Tenn. My Dad worked in the Wilder mines
till it played out then he rented a farm and moved us to Miamisburg, Ohio where I went to school till I was 15 years

One morning I got up to go to school on the bus, like I normally did.   Well, on this particular morning I did not
want to go to school. I had other plans! Instead of going to school I went and got a paper forged with my Mom's
name on it saying I was 17 years old and that I could join the Army. (...but really, I was only 15)   I joined the 101st 
Airborne Division and I loved it! I ended up serving 3 years. (Yes, my Mom found finally found me and threatened
to tell my C.O. how old I was if I didn't come home. I promised I'd come home after I finished my stint.
...and I kept that promise.

When I got out of the Army I met Marjorie Evelyn Withrow and after courting for 3 years we got married. As of
today we have  one son (Bill, Jr.) and 4 daughters  ( Kim, Kris , Sonya, and Jacquelene). We call the last one
Nay Nay better known as "quits." "0" yea. Margie and I also have (so far) 14 Grand Kids and 6 Great Grand
Kids; 4 Boys and two Girls.  

~*~ Have A nice Day and God Bless! ~*~

- Bill Madewell


Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good
works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. Matthew 5:16


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The Bill Madewell Website.

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